Saturday, July 13, 2013

HMS Lion Rampant 2

Here are some shots of the Rampant, my 28mm Napoleonic wargaming ship of the line, as she is now.  She's not finished yet, but I needed her in respectable condition for a big boat fight that I did for the RPG club at school.  Unfortunately, whilst sitting outside in my hot car all day, some of the deck planking warped.  I'm still looking for a good way to fix that.  Nonetheless, here are the current picks.  There have, obviously, been several changes:
  • She's been painted, mostly (I still have touch-ups and details to do).
  • She has masts and sails (though the sails are too big and have to be taken down and cut).
  • The whole bow of the ship was cut off with a jig saw, and the headrails were rebuilt with curve-edges and bits of craft wood.